Finding Success in Organic Baking with Wheat Proteins
The consumer participation in the organic market has increased significantly in the last ten years. In 2008, 27% of U.S. consumers used organic products monthly. Today that stands at 45%, according to the Organic & Natural 2018 report published by The Hartman Group. The report also presents that the vast majority of U.S. consumers claim to use organic food and beverage products (85%). About a third (31%) use them on at least a weekly basis. And 14% more are using organic on a monthly basis. Additionally, organic products are more readily available today, including branded and private label, in traditional channels, the club channel, and more.
Creating healthful, organic bakery products are top of mind for developers in order to keep pace with this market growth. However, high quality, high volume bakery products do not come without challenges. Dough strength and tolerance is required so the dough can manage the path from mixing bowl to oven. Then, product integrity must be consistent and reliable from oven to consumer.
Bakers have found solutions to overcome these challenges over the years, adding a range of ingredients to provide a range of functional benefits. But organic bakery brings a different set of challenges. Not all of the ingredients bakers have become accustomed to are available for organic baking. However, Manildra’s wheat proteins are.
Our R&D team has gone to great lengths to ensure that as we develop new ingredients we are developing ingredients that are most meaningful to today’s bakers and food creators.
Manildra’s full range of wheat protein isolates provide improvements from strength and structure to mix reduction and pan flow, with a gradient of functionality benefits in between. Our organic wheat protein isolates will help overcome the challenges seen in organic bakery items, with functional benefits to match conventional ingredients used for dough conditioning, strength, tolerance, mix reduction, pan flow, even tightening up the cell structure.
In organic sweet goods, wheat protein isolates can provide resilience or tenderness. Again, the range of proteins allows for you to fine tune the process or textural needs of your products.

Source: Food Shopping in America 2017 report. The Hartman Group, Inc.
Source: Organic & Natural 2018 report. The Hartman Group, Inc.