Just like you, we never compromise on quality

Whether you need gluten for strength, GemPro for optimal rheology, or FiberGem for added nutrition, you can expect reliable quality from Manildra.

  • Vital Wheat Gluten

    As the backbone of the baking industry your vital wheat gluten must provide strength and integrity day in and day out. We commit to rigorous quality standards to ensure you can always count on the highest quality gluten.

  • GemPro Wheat Protein

    We take great pride in the innovative functionality of our GemPro wheat proteins.  Our commitment to ongoing innovation means you can count on the highest quality from these unique ingredients.

  • Wheat Starches

    Ideal for bakery, cereal and snack, wheat starch yields bright white color, neutral flavor, and excellent textural attributes. We dependably monitor the consistency of these starches - from GemStar to GemGel - to confirm you can always expect the best.

  • Resistant Wheat Starch

    FiberGem is the highest quality resistant wheat starch available. When you want a reliable fiber in your bakery product, you want Manildra in your corner.

We don't compromise on quality in any aspect of our business, including customer service and support. When you call Manildra you can expect to reach your customer service contact, working diligently to support your needs. From customer service to sales to innovation Manildra never cut corners on quality.