Stacked Solutions. Superior Support.

Whether you seek to enhance existing products or build up new products, Manildra has stacked solutions to ensure your product rises above the competition. 

When you stack the benefits of Manildra's GemPro wheat proteins and FiberGem resistant wheat starch you find that you can bake the buns you've always wanted.   

LOW CARB BUNS - Similar to low carb bread, low carb buns can rely on a combination of fiber and protein to create a low carb flour with functionality to match that of traditional wheat flour. The combination of FiberGem resistant  starch and GemPro wheat proteins can provide the viscoelastic properties needed to produced commercial-scale low carb buns. With Manildra's low carb solutions you can get the best of both worlds - big buns, low carb. 

PREMIUM - Premium burgers need premium buns. GemPro Plus contains 85% protein, as well as structural and functional properties alike. GemPro Plus helps with gas retention and volume without adding chewy texture to finished product. When added to a dough system at 1-5% usage level, GemPro Plus can add similar tolerance as Gem of the West Vital Wheat Gluten with added extensibility that can promote dough relaxation. GemPro Plus is also great for replacing eggs in premium doughs to promote gas retention and resiliency without creating excessive chewiness. 

PROCESS EFFICIENCY - Buns require unique dough rheology - enough strength to hold a brat, a burger, or you favorite sandwich type, but enough pan flow to obtain a smooth rounded shape. GemPro HPG has the strength to boost your finished product texture to guarantee the sturdiness to hold your toppings. GemPro Prime-E will allow pan flow to simplify processing.

Whether you are making cupcakes, cookies, and pies, or tortillas, bread, and pizza, Manildra has the solution to level up your product. And, as always, our team is here to support you from ideation to delivery!